

Learn about LSE Digital Library

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Through LSE Digital Library, we provide access to digitised and born-digital material from LSE Library collections. As we develop our digital collections, LSE Digital Library will grow and evolve to meet the needs of digital scholarship methods and activities.

This site is managed by staff at LSE Library, also known as The British Library of Political and Economic Science, the main library of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Find out more about LSE and LSE Library.

Using this website

We have built this website to be easy to use. You can use it to search, browse, view, and download a wide range of material and related content.

If you experience any difficulties using the site, contact us for assistance.

Digital scholars

IIIF Manifests are available for each item on the respective item page. Contact us if you are working with IIIF.

You can also download metadata at scale via OAI-PMH. Contact us for details of our endpoint.

You can download individual assets and transcripts on the site. Contact us if you want to download at scale.

We love to hear from people using our collections. Get in touch to share what you are doing.

Takedown policy

If you are the author, rights holder or are authorised to act on behalf of the author/rights holder and you are concerned that you have found material available on our website for which you have not given permission and which infringes your copyright, you have the right to request its removal.

Please contact us stating the following:

  • Your contact details, which should include your full name, title if acting on behalf of an organisation, telephone number, email and postal address.
  • The name and/or a description of the work/s.
  • The exact and full URL where you found the material.
  • Outline of complaint.
  • Proof that you are the rights holder or are an authorised representative.

Upon receipt of a request to take down one or more pieces of work from its website, LSE Library will suspend as soon as is practicable publication of the material in question while an investigation is carried out. A staff Review Panel will investigate the query and will usually convey its decision within 4 weeks. If the case is complex, and additional time is needed, we will write to let the Requestor know.

Contact details

LSE Library, 10 Portugal Street, London WC2A 2HD

Privacy information

LSE Digital Library is administered by LSE Library staff who follow LSE Privacy Policy

You should also be aware of the AM Digital Privacy Policy as our 3rd party platform provider. AM Digital are responsible for cookies and all data related to use of the My Account functionality.

Copyright and reusing material

This website contains diverse content by a range of authors; some items are out of copyright, many are still in copyright, and for others the copyright status is uncertain or unknown.

As we have developed LSE Digital Library our team has diligently researched and recorded detail about the rights associated with works. We have shared this to enable you to make your own decision on your legal obligations to rights holders. Please ensure you follow relevant copyright law.

Rights statements you will see

Licences you will see

Licences enable reuse of In Copyright material so long as you follow the outlined conditions:

Useful guidance

Contact us

Get in touch if you have any questions about reusing material from this website.

Accessibility information

We at LSE Library are responsible for the content, general design, look and feel of this website. As we developed it, we followed the aims of LSE's Accessibility Statement. In practical terms, this means we use Plain English, add alt text to images, write descriptive text for URL and structure content using headings.

The platform, underlying applications and available functionality are provided by AM Digital in the form of their product called Quartex. Read about their approach to accessibility and testing on their Platform Accessibility page.

We are confident that the site is regularly tested and developed with accessibility in mind. We also note and welcome that as at January 2025, AM Digital are working to gain Shaw Trust accreditation. 

Do not hesitate in contacting us if we can improve your experience of using this website and its resources.

Information on potentially harmful content

Harmful content you might encounter

You may encounter language or content that is:


Most often as outdated terminology or attitudes in historical material, but there are also more contemporary records where creators may express discriminatory views. Sometimes the language itself is not overtly offensive but the ideas and attitudes presented are harmful, which can make this content more difficult to identify and flag.

We recognise that what constitutes harmful content is not necessarily the same for everyone and that you may access potentially harmful material that we are not yet aware of.

Why we provide access to potentially harmful material

We collect, preserve and provide access to material to facilitate teaching, learning and research at LSE and beyond. We do not exclude material because of the ideas or opinions expressed within the content. The collections we make available may include biased or offensive language or reveal attitudes that reflect the views of their creators and the period in which they were created. We seek to balance the preservation of this history with sensitivity to how these materials are presented and perceived.

The presence of any material within our collections does not imply an endorsement of the ideas or opinions expressed within the content.

How staff are working to address potentially harmful content

We believe we have a duty to curate our collections responsibly and to take measures where appropriate to minimise offence. Please note that this does not mean altering any original material or removing collections or records from public access. 

Staff aim to describe material in a respectful and inclusive way without erasing or hiding its problematic history. Where we are aware that harmful content exists in a collection, we will use plain language to inform users about the presence and origin of the content. Alternatively, it may be more appropriate to place an advisory warning on groups of records, to prepare researchers for the possibility that they might encounter content they find offensive.

Help us identify potentially harmful content

We are mindful that digital access pathways can distance a user from a sensitive, supportive and informed access experience and we encourage you to contact us about any potentially harmful content in our collections. Your feedback can help us to better understand our collections and improve how this content is made available.